America doesn't have a gun problem?

In the past week, America has had 3 mass shootings, or should I correct myself - 3 were reported in the UK. I will clarify this in a minute, but I would like to point out that America has gone too far into the abyss of owning guns to be able to come out of it. They are a regular occurrence in America and that is the problem, they have clearly very poor gun laws. There are a lot of problems with mental health etc too related to this, but this is coming down to the problem of people being able to buy a gun too easily with no background check.

America has had 3 publicised mass shootings in the last week: California, El Paso and Dayton. Yet how many mass shootings have occurred in the year to date? 251. That's right, more than 1 a day has occurred so far this calendar year. Between the California shooting (28th July) to the El Paso shooting (3rd August) there were 8 mass shootings where 4 or more people got shot or killed(total of 37 between them). That is insane! The fact that 8 mass shootings can happen and not even receive coverage in the news is mind blowing! When the UK last had a terrorist incident we were on high alert for months afterwards and are still raising money to help the people affected by it. However in America between the the 1980s and 2011 there was an average of 1 mass shooting every 200 days, yet now it is so common that it doesn't make headline news? What has changed so dramatically to cause this?

America has the highest percentage of guns per capita in the world (89 guns for every 100 people), which is why the problem is too far gone to be able to be controlled. However these most recent mass shootings were apparently dealt with very quickly before more damage could occur which is a good thing. America clearly has a very skilled police department considering what you always hear in the news about them (I would like to point out that we only ever hear about the bad things in the news and never the good things about American cops etc). How far off are we having Americans having to go to the shop or to the club with body armour on due to the uncertainty of what will happen that day?

Wonald Dump, the president has stated "there is no room for white supremacy in America", well how the fuck did he get into power then? Because he is clearly a very racist man and generally discriminatory to every single person that isn't white and from America. I can go on for hours about how insane he is, but clearly he has experienced problems with the latest mass shootings and had to read a script at his latest press conference, having to use respectful words and not go on the counter offensive must have been difficult for him.

Now we know that mass shootings occur in other places, New Zealand for instance (Yes a much smaller country, but still relevant). It took less than 2 weeks to ban the sale of all military style rifles, even using a buy back incentive to remove as many as possible with many people happy to give them back and the police minister stating "owning a gun is a privilege and not a right". New Zealand albeit a small nation was able to turn around a change in laws and reduce the amount of guns in the country within weeks of the worst mass shooting they have ever had. America sadly cannot do this due to too a president who won't act and the people arguing about the constitution. Something has to give and until then, these things will become a common spread on the news.

I know it has been stated by Wonald Dump that the UK has a knife problem, and the truth is that we do. Too many people are getting stabbed, it is a genuine problem. However we are not having mass stabbings here, the moment someone stabs 4+ people before getting disarmed or fought by the public is when I will admit that we have a problem as big as Americas gun control problem. I know I've gone on for ages here, but this is a hot topic and one that needs to be discussed and brought up to be talked about, because getting people talking is what is needed.


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