Fuck celebrity politics

I don’t like Michael Jackson.
Why do people need to pretend to like famous singers? Michael Jackson was the key one for me, when I was at school, he was only known for bad things, no one actually liked him in school, he was a “pedo” or whatever the kids say these days. But when he died, everyone became his greatest fan, writing long posts about how his music “touched them”. Now I can interpret this in one of two ways, either they lied about not liking him at school, just to be “Cool” and they actually enjoyed his music. Or the more plausible alternative which is that they need to have an opinion to keep up their social status. As we all know, it’s impossible for something to happen in life and not post something about it, so that everybody you know on social media can witness how truly magnificent you are. I like to think that this can be extrapolated to most other big events. Now, before I go off on one I should say that people are entitled to their own opinions, I don’t speak to everyone all of the time, I’m no social butterfly – but I don’t believe that everyone on social media acts the same and has the same beliefs.
It’s all fucking politics.
Anytime there is an election or anything even remotely big in the world of politics, every fucker who has read a small section of the daily mail or has looked at Wikipedia briefly has to come out and share their opinion. “I can’t believe such and such” etc, It’s similar in nature to Birthdays, happens about once a year and I still don’t give a fuck. Now don’t get me wrong, people should all vote, it’s the essence of politics, however I’m never going to base my opinion on someone who’s ill-informed and just doing it to look more grown up.  It makes the whole point of politics redundant, because a politician will say something, some small minded individual who can’t even name most of the cabinet will write some short shit post about it and then people will believe them because “If it’s on Facebook it has to be true”. As one Donald Trump says “It’s fake news” and it is, it’s people making the whole thing even more complicated and more difficult to gain a stance on because everyone is doing it. The real irony is that even though politicians keep fucking us even more each year that they all deserve a pay rise because they work hard ignoring the struggles of the normal person. That’s what I vote for, so that some twat bag that is a racist and will deny doing anything wrong will think yes I need a pay rise to cover my second home. Well whoop-de-fucking-do! A second home? That’s a nice problem to have isn’t it?

I’m a sarcastic lonely angry man and fuck the political side of life.


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