Do Video games actually cause violence? And if so do books and movies cause it too?
For some reason whenever there is a major crime or mass shooting, video games get the blame. It's a very weak argument and a very stupid one to make too. I know a lot of people that play video games and a lot of them don't even play first person shooters, so if you're telling me that someone that plays the sims or mine craft or train simulator is going to be a mass shooter because "Video games cause violence" you can piss off. It's a very stupid argument, the people who commit mass shootings have mental health problems, combine this with a racist leader and easy to access weapons and that is how they happen. Notice how they are very rare in other countries? I mean, the fact that the leader is telling people to go back to their own countries is fucking stupid anyway. Especially when you are in the public eye and have people watch your every move.
I do question the whole idea that video games cause violence, I mean on one hand it kind of makes sense because you can use weapons etc in games, but at no point am I ever good enough to enrol in the military. At no point am I going to get a phone call asking me to get to Iraq because of a game of Call of Duty, just like I'm not going to get a call up to the Football World cup because I have played Fifa. I mean do people who make the claim about video games causing violence not realise how redundant that statement is? I mean I can only assume that those people have watched movies or TV too right? Can I assume that because you have watched Die Hard that you know how to fire a gun and take down an army of terrorists? Or that because you have watched Game of Thrones you know how to ride a horse and tame Dragons etc?
I mean if you're religious and have read the bible, can I nail you to a cross? From the logic about video games causing violence, I could claim that if you've read the bible I can nail you to a cross and you'll be fine, if Jesus was fine, why can't you be?
It's a very weak argument, I will admit because I am not fucking stupid. I know that if you nail someone to the cross you will most likely kill them and get a prison sentence. Books, Movies/TV and Video games should all be classed the same, they all take you away to a different world and distract you from reality, but aren't the cause of gun violence. There are a lot more factors involved in someone wanting to commit a mass shooting. I mean can we discuss the fact that no one has blamed video games for WW1 or WW2? I mean Hitler never played video games, he probably played board games, so can we say that board games cause mass shootings too? Most gamers are great people, they are kind and giving, I mean the amount of money that is raised for charity every year from gamers is immense and certainly surpasses the amount given to charity from "Movie buffs" etc. So can we please stop with the lie that games cause violence because we all know it's bollocks and just a scape goat to hide the real problem.
I do question the whole idea that video games cause violence, I mean on one hand it kind of makes sense because you can use weapons etc in games, but at no point am I ever good enough to enrol in the military. At no point am I going to get a phone call asking me to get to Iraq because of a game of Call of Duty, just like I'm not going to get a call up to the Football World cup because I have played Fifa. I mean do people who make the claim about video games causing violence not realise how redundant that statement is? I mean I can only assume that those people have watched movies or TV too right? Can I assume that because you have watched Die Hard that you know how to fire a gun and take down an army of terrorists? Or that because you have watched Game of Thrones you know how to ride a horse and tame Dragons etc?
I mean if you're religious and have read the bible, can I nail you to a cross? From the logic about video games causing violence, I could claim that if you've read the bible I can nail you to a cross and you'll be fine, if Jesus was fine, why can't you be?
It's a very weak argument, I will admit because I am not fucking stupid. I know that if you nail someone to the cross you will most likely kill them and get a prison sentence. Books, Movies/TV and Video games should all be classed the same, they all take you away to a different world and distract you from reality, but aren't the cause of gun violence. There are a lot more factors involved in someone wanting to commit a mass shooting. I mean can we discuss the fact that no one has blamed video games for WW1 or WW2? I mean Hitler never played video games, he probably played board games, so can we say that board games cause mass shootings too? Most gamers are great people, they are kind and giving, I mean the amount of money that is raised for charity every year from gamers is immense and certainly surpasses the amount given to charity from "Movie buffs" etc. So can we please stop with the lie that games cause violence because we all know it's bollocks and just a scape goat to hide the real problem.
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